Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Antoine Dodson Sex Offender Tracker App

Antoine Dodson of Bed Intruder Song fame is now hawking a sex offender tracker app.

Good for him. I love that he's using a terrible situation to get his family to a better place.

My favorite line from this spot: " The sex offender tracker is only app that uses the latest and greatest in augmented reality. It's a technology."

Check it out

Posted via email from Show Some Hustle

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Futuristic Coke Bottle Design - Mystic

Here's an interesting look at French designer, Jerome Olivet's visionary take on the Coke bottle. The designs are stunningly beautiful, but completely wrong for this brand in my opinion.

Coke is a piece of Americana - a tradition steeped in classic, simple design.

I could, however, see Jerome's design positioned as a limited addition offering at a hotel in Dubai or served on the Virgin Galactic Spaceport.

Check out more photographs of the Mystic design here.

And for a few examples of simple but iconic Coke designs, check out what Turner Duckworth has done in the last few years.

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Friday, October 22, 2010

SMS Slingshot

 I'm really into environmental stuff these days. This interactive messaging gaget is crazy cool. How boring would it have been if it were a gun?

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blendtec does Old Spice

This is what happens when two viral forces collide. It might smell good, but it's pretty ugly.

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Blendtec does Old Spice


This is what happens when two viral forces collide. It might smell good, but it's pretty ugly.

Posted via email from Show Some Hustle

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

At the end of every creative brief?

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible, is to go beyond them, into the impossible"-Sir Arthur C. Clarke

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Dazzle The Rainbow

Here's another cool Skittles mob piece from the UK.

In a live interactive competition, a character named David Phoenix challenges Skittles fans to a duel of epic consequence - or at least delicious consequence.  Phoenix wants Facebook fans to try to bury him in a tomb of Skittles. Every person who logs on to the app activates hundreds of Skittles which are dropped on Phoenix every 15 minutes. 

After being buried in almost 2 million Skittles with time to spare, the mob won.


Posted via email from Show Some Hustle

Monday, October 18, 2010

Digital Mapping - Prague Clock Tower

In celebration of the astrological clock tower's 600 year anniversary, Macula composed this amazing light show. According to their Vimeo site, the only lighting technology used were two Christie projectors (2x18000 lumens in HD). The detail and effects are amazing.

Be sure to check out Macula's site for more examples of their work.

<p>The 600 Years from the macula on Vimeo.</p>

Posted via email from Show Some Hustle

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Conan Blimp

 This is one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time and a great execution of an offline/online idea.

To promote his new show on TBS, Conan is sending a blimp up and down the East Coast for the month of October. You can follow it on Twitter or Foursquare for check-ins above his favorite spots. The project also implements the first ever auto-updating check-in location. So, spot the blimp and get a "Conan Blimpspotter" badge. Pretty cool.

The talented folks over at Breakfast put this together.


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