Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Freakishly Good Stationery!

Check out this amazing stationery design for 13 Street - "Germany's most famous crime and horror channel."

It was created by JVM of Hamburg and just may be cooler than Oktoberfest.

More pics at Behance.

Posted via email from Show Some Hustle

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We're Moving to Posterous

Dear The 10 People That Follow This Blog,

We love you and want you to continue to follow RTH at our other blog, "Show Some Hustle."
As of May 1st, we're closing the doors on this blog like an inner city Chuck E. Cheese.

So follow us now at:

Lot's of exciting things to come this summer...


Yesterday, I had the pleasure of hanging out with Aki Spicer, director of digital strategy at Fallon. He's in Richmond speaking with students at the Brandcenter.

It was great to have a little human interaction (and drinks) with someone I've "followed socially" for a few years. I have a lot of respect for Aki because he represents the front line of planners (thinkers) trying to explain and integrate a new social behavior into a traditional advertising mindset. And he does a really good job of educating without "bringing the geek" to hard.

Here's a nice presentation on Fallon's observations from this year's SXSW.

<div style="width:425px" id="__ss_3778595"><strong style="display:block;margin:12px 0 4px">Fallon Brainfood: SX35W</strong></object><div style="padding:5px 0 12px">View more presentations from akispicer.</div></div>

More Aki here.

Posted via email from Ideas & Observations of John Mills

Friday, April 16, 2010

Thinking Before Doing

Have you hugged your strategy today?

Posted via email from Ideas & Observations of John Mills

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


 If you have 5 minutes and want insight into where the future of brand building is going, watch this video of Gareth Kay, Director of Digital Strategy for Goodby, Silverstein and Partners.

He makes a quick but compelling argument that brands need to STOP talking and START doing.

We need to help brands by giving them ideas to make their customers' lives better - not simply advertise their values, mission, vision or successes.

Posted via email from Ideas & Observations of John Mills


If you have 5 minutes and want insight into where the future of brand building is going, watch this video of Gareth Kay, Director of Digital Strategy for Goodby, Silverstein and Partners.

He makes a quick but compelling argument that brands need to STOP talking and START doing.

We need to help brands by giving them ideas to make their customers' lives better - not simply advertise their values, mission, vision or successes.


(via @ faris)

Posted via email from Ideas & Observations of John Mills

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Richmond Earth Day

On April 25th, The Enrichmond Foundation (RTH client) is throwing its annual Earth Day Festival in the Manchester District. We're really excited because this year's music line up is incredible. It features Photosynthesizers, Hot Lava, David Schultz and the Skyline and RTH favorite, Gills & Wings. Watch videos from each of these amazing Richmond bands here.

This year's attractions include sustainable workshops, a yoga and wellness lounge, fish festival, recycled art show, outdoor gear swap and tons of food and drink from Richmond's most popular spots. Check out the entire list.

Mother Earth sure needs you...but so do Noel and Bonnie. Learn how you can volunteer before, during or after the festival.

For more information on The Enrichmond Foundation's Earth Day Festival, visit their Facebook page or blog.

Posted via email from Ideas & Observations of John Mills

Malcolm Gladwell's Social Media Reality Check

Malcolm Gladwell on Social Media


April 6, 2010

Author Malcolm Gladwell

Celebrated writer and thought leader Malcolm Gladwell is relatively – and deliberately – absent from the social media landscape. His blog posts are biannual, his Facebook page is void of content and his Tweets are few and far between. The Globe and Mail spoke with Gladwell during his recent trip to Vancouver to gauge his perspective on social media, and to understand why he hasn’t capitalized on it to promote his work.

While Gladwell’s overall assessment is that the balance of social media’s innovation is a net good, he also believes it bears some deficiencies;

The ease with which you can organize people means you no longer have to go to the trouble of things like building strong grassroots organizations, developing a coherent message, forming strong and lasting ties with individuals.

Gladwell also doesn’t believe that social media equates with emotional connection or engagement, instead relying on other platforms to communicate his thinking and work over the long-term;

If you follow me on Twitter, I do not own your heart. I may own your pocketbook momentarily. And I may own your attention for five seconds, but that’s it.

Arguably, his most interesting perspective is around the ubiquitous question of identifying social media’s tipping point, and long-term viability;

The problem is, we’re still in the experimental phase. The thing about Facebook is, it’s insanely new. This world of the Internet, if we know anything from its brief history, it likes nothing more than to build someone up only to topple them. Who has an AOL account these days? Not that long ago, AOL was the single most powerful player on the Internet. Who has a MySpace account these days? MySpace sold for billions of dollars not that long ago. I’m very reluctant to crown Facebook king of the future. They certainly are flavour of the month. This is not a world that respects loyalties and longevity.

While most of us may take a less accusatory perspective on social media and its benevolent or malevolent desires, Gladwell doesn’t prognosticate on social media’s future, or on the longevity of today’s key players.  The rapid pace of change and relative unpredictability of when consumers’ rapt attention will become boredom is an ongoing challenge for social media players to continually understand their users, lifestyles and consumption habits – and to adapt to keep them engaged.

Via Globe and Mail

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Monday, April 5, 2010

iPad Your Site

Wonder what your website or blog looks like on the iPad?

Check it out here.

Go ahead, nerd-out. I did.

(via @swissmiss)

Posted via email from Ideas & Observations of John Mills

Saturday, April 3, 2010